Closed issue by dataCobra on void-packages repository Description: I don't know when it happend but I've performance issues specifically on my Dell XPS Laptop. On my Desktop PC and second Laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad T460s) I don't have this issues. Firefox is lagging pretty heavily and I can't watch Video over 720p because higher resolutions are also lagging. Void 6.5.11_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate hold rFFFFFFFFF Here are the packages I'm currently using: 1. X11 Xorg 2. Intel modesetting Driver (Also installed Mesa) 3. I3 WM I've tested booting Ubuntu LiveISO and it runs without any performance impacts. Currently I don't know what to do next to check why this is happening. Maybe someone is able to help me.