There is an updated pull request by klardotsh against master on the void-packages repository klardotsh/distrobox New package: distrobox- #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** (I am currently using this `distrobox` package to manage my Discord, Zoom, and Steam containers on x86_64-musl) #### New package - This new package conforms to the [package requirements]( **YES** Rationale for inclusion despite being all shell scripts: - A reasonable, casual bystander would expect to be able to "just install distrobox", it's not intuitive to require someone who wants their container management to Just Work to have to clone a Git repo that runs a shell script to install to sometimes the homedir, sometimes `/usr/local` - This project updates at a reasonable cadence with real version numbers and is not just a "toss it in a contrib folder in your `PATH` and forget about it" type of script - With some USE flag tinkering, we could make this auto-depend on `docker` or `podman` (or the recently supported [`lilipod`]( written by the same author), perhaps with subpackages to create the dependency links I very much don't like the `short_desc` here but it's what upstream provides for a description, and I can't think of a clearer, short/terse wording right now to encompass the broader usecase for the tool (for example, I don't really use any CLI tools with this thing: I'm managing Steam and Discord through it, which I launch via exported `.desktop` files and my launcher...) --- This is a continuation of work done by another packager in #42123 earlier this year. Resolves #36341. A patch file from is attached