There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository tvheadend: add service Description: I installed tvheadend and had a frustrating time getting it to run as a system service. If $HOME isn't set then it will exit as it can't find its config files. $HOME isn't set for the system runsvdir as it is launched from runit but it is set if you just run runsv (or runsvdir) from a shell - so everything worked when testing but the service wouldn't work when linked into /var/service. It looks like tvheadend should output an error message when it hits this case but I couldn't see it in any log :(. This is just what I came up with, I'm running it locally and have put it in the package for review. I haven't tried to build and install the modified package (yet). A possible alternative to setting $HOME in the service is to explicitly specify the config directory as an option. Setting $HOME has the advantage that it will use the same config files as running tvheadend from a shell, which can be useful for initial setup (-C). Possibly the service should run with --firstrun -C, --firstrun If no user account exist then create one with no username and no password. Use with care as it will allow world-wide administrative access to your Tvheadend installation until you edit the access-control from within the Tvheadend UI." That does mean the default is not very secure, but without it the default is to not be able to login (as far as I can tell anyway, I manually ran tvheadend --firstrun). Another thing is whether the service should be run as a dedicated user (I don't bother running anything not as root on my media server). What is the void policy on that? #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **NO**