New comment by Luciogi on void-packages repository Comment: Hi, Can I run tests locally ? Edit: nvm got it `xbps-src check` - [x] ranger all tests are passing - [x] virt-manager fixed in #46885 test are passing on python3.11 (i saw on their github workflow logs) on void I use python3.12 it fails , with difference of `http` -> 3.11 and `https`->3.12 issue is reported - [x] **greg** fixed in #46809 - [x] **tuimoji** fixed in #46810 - [x] **wfuzz** fixed in #46812 - [x] **bCNC** fixed in #46817 - [x] **duplicity** all tests are passing - [x] **hg-git** fixed in #46887 --- - [ ] attic - [ ] awsume - [ ] bCNC - [ ] beancount - [ ] canto-curses - [ ] canto-next - [ ] clearine - [ ] coccigrep - [ ] configshell-fb - [ ] coursera-dl - [ ] cpuset - [ ] curseradio - [ ] diffoscope - [ ] duplicity - [ ] edx-dl - [ ] eyeD3 - [ ] fierce - [ ] flowblade - [ ] GCP-Guest-Environment - [ ] git-review - [ ] gns3-net-converter - [ ] Grammalecte - [ ] greg - [ ] hatch - [ ] hg-git - [ ] impacket - [ ] kapidox - [ ] khal - [ ] mate-menu - [ ] mercurial - [ ] mirage - [ ] mopidy - [ ] mopidy-local - [ ] mopidy-mpd - [ ] mopidy-multisonic - [ ] mpd-sima - [ ] multibootusb - [ ] neovim-remote - [ ] nicotine+ - [ ] OpenLP - [ ] pelican - [ ] persepolis - [ ] poezio - [ ] puddletag - [ ] pycp - [ ] PyInstaller - [ ] pyliblo - [ ] python3-3to2 - [ ] python3-adblock - [ ] python3-aiodns - [ ] python3-aioinflux - [ ] python3-aionotify - [ ] python3-alabaster - [ ] python3-ansiwrap - [x] python3-anytree - [ ] python3-applib - [ ] python3-argh - [ ] python3-argon2 - [ ] python3-asn1crypto - [ ] python3-astral - [ ] python3-async-timeout - [ ] python3-async_generator - [ ] python3-axolotl - [ ] python3-bibtexparser - [ ] python3-bitarray - [ ] python3-bitbucket-api - [ ] python3-blessings - [ ] python3-boltons - [ ] python3-boto3 - [ ] python3-botocore - [ ] python3-Bottleneck - [ ] python3-bsddb3 - [ ] python3-casttube - [ ] python3-cffi - [ ] python3-changelogs - [x] python3-Cheroot - [x] python3-chromecast - [ ] python3-cli-ui - [ ] python3-colored-traceback - [ ] python3-ConfigArgParse - [ ] python3-cram - [ ] python3-curio - [ ] python3-curl - [ ] python3-dbusmock - [ ] python3-discogs_client - [ ] python3-dnspython - [ ] python3-dnsrecon - [ ] python3-dockerpty - [ ] python3-dogpile.cache - [ ] python3-EasyProcess - [ ] python3-ecdsa - [ ] python3-eliot - [ ] python3-enchant - [ ] python3-enrich - [ ] python3-envdir - [ ] python3-enzyme - [ ] python3-ewmh - [ ] python3-feedgenerator - [ ] python3-ffmpeg-python - [ ] python3-fishnet - [ ] python3-Flask-Assets - [ ] python3-Flask-Babel - [ ] python3-Flask-Mail - [ ] python3-Flask-OAuthlib - [ ] python3-Flask-RESTful - [ ] python3-Flask-Script - [ ] python3-Flask-WTF - [ ] python3-furl - [ ] python3-future - [ ] python3-fuzzyfinder - [ ] python3-geojson - [ ] python3-gevent - [ ] python3-gmpy2 - [ ] python3-gntp - [ ] python3-gpg - [ ] python3-h2 - [ ] python3-habanero - [ ] python3-hiredis - [ ] python3-hkdf - [ ] python3-html2text - [ ] python3-httpbin - [ ] python3-httpcore - [ ] python3-i3ipc - [ ] python3-ifaddr - [ ] python3-Inflector - [ ] python3-influxdb - [ ] python3-intervaltree - [ ] python3-iptools - [ ] python3-ipython_genutils - [ ] python3-irc - [ ] python3-itunespy - [ ] python3-janus - [ ] python3-jaraco.context - [ ] python3-jaraco.text - [ ] python3-jedi - [ ] python3-Jinja2 - [ ] python3-joblib - [ ] python3-josepy - [ ] python3-jsonrpclib - [ ] python3-jupyter_ipywidgets - [ ] python3-jupyter_nbconvert - [ ] python3-jupyter_nbformat - [ ] python3-jupyter_qtconsole - [ ] python3-jupyter_widgetsnbextension - [ ] python3-kaptan - [ ] python3-keyrings-alt - [ ] python3-ldap3 - [ ] python3-lsp-server - [ ] python3-lz4 - [ ] python3-M2Crypto - [ ] python3-macaroons - [ ] python3-macholib - [ ] python3-magic - [ ] python3-Markups - [ ] python3-mechanize - [ ] python3-mediafile - [ ] python3-mistune - [ ] python3-mygpoclient - [ ] python3-namedlist - [ ] python3-natsort - [ ] python3-ndg_httpsclient - [ ] python3-netaddr - [ ] python3-nose2 - [ ] python3-notify2 - [ ] python3-npyscreen - [ ] python3-ntlm-auth - [ ] python3-ntplib - [ ] python3-oauth2client - [ ] python3-oauthlib - [ ] python3-oletools - [ ] python3-orderedmultidict - [ ] python3-owm - [ ] python3-parsedatetime - [ ] python3-path - [ ] python3-pbkdf2 - [ ] python3-pbr - [ ] python3-pcodedmp - [ ] python3-pdfrw - [ ] python3-pefile - [ ] python3-pem - [ ] python3-pendulum - [ ] python3-perf - [ ] python3-pexpect - [ ] python3-pgmigrate - [ ] python3-picamera - [ ] python3-pmw - [ ] python3-portend - [ ] python3-prctl - [ ] python3-precis-i18n - [ ] python3-puremagic - [ ] python3-py - [ ] python3-PyBrowserID - [ ] python3-pycdio - [ ] python3-pycodestyle - [ ] python3-pydbus - [ ] python3-pyelftools - [ ] python3-pyfavicon - [ ] python3-pyflakes - [ ] python3-PyFxA - [ ] python3-PyHamcrest - [ ] python3-pyinfra - [ ] python3-pykka - [ ] python3-pylibgen - [ ] python3-PyOpenGL - [ ] python3-pypandoc - [ ] python3-pypdf - [ ] python3-pyqtgraph - [ ] python3-pyrfc3339 - [ ] python3-Pyro4 - [ ] python3-pyscss - [ ] python3-pysdl2 - [ ] python3-pysocks - [ ] python3-pysrt - [ ] python3-pytaglib - [ ] python3-pytest-cov - [ ] python3-pytest-flake8 - [ ] python3-pytest-xdist - [ ] python3-pytzdata - [ ] python3-pywinrm - [ ] python3-pywt - [ ] python3-pyx - [ ] python3-qrcode - [ ] python3-QtPy - [ ] python3-random2 - [ ] python3-rarfile - [ ] python3-raven - [ ] python3-recommonmark - [ ] python3-repoze.sphinx.autointerface - [ ] python3-requests-file - [ ] python3-requests-mock - [ ] python3-requests-oauthlib - [ ] python3-ripe-atlas-cousteau - [ ] python3-ripe-atlas-sagan - [ ] python3-rsa - [ ] python3-rx - [ ] python3-scikit-video - [ ] python3-scour - [ ] python3-scruffy - [ ] python3-sgmllib - [ ] python3-sh - [ ] python3-shodan - [ ] python3-slixmpp - [ ] python3-socketIO-client - [ ] python3-SoCo - [ ] python3-spake2 - [ ] python3-sphinx-automodapi - [ ] python3-sphinx_rtd_theme - [ ] python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp - [ ] python3-sphinxcontrib-jsmath - [ ] python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp - [ ] python3-SQLAlchemy2 - [ ] python3-stem - [ ] python3-stevedore - [ ] python3-stormssh - [ ] python3-tables - [ ] python3-terminaltables - [ ] python3-testtools - [ ] python3-tldextract - [ ] python3-toml - [ ] python3-trimesh - [ ] python3-typeguard - [ ] python3-unittest-mixins - [ ] python3-urbandict - [ ] python3-urlgrabber - [ ] python3-urllib3 - [ ] python3-urwid - [ ] python3-validators - [ ] python3-virustotal-api - [ ] python3-vispy - [ ] python3-vobject - [ ] python3-voluptuous - [ ] python3-waitress - [ ] python3-watchdog - [ ] python3-wcmatch - [ ] python3-webassets - [ ] python3-Whoosh - [ ] python3-wikipedia - [ ] python3-wsproto - [ ] python3-yarl - [ ] python3-zc.lockfile - [ ] python3-zipstream - [ ] python3-zope.configuration - [ ] python3-zope.copy - [ ] python3-zope.deferredimport - [ ] python3-zope.exceptions - [ ] python3-zope.i18nmessageid - [ ] python3-zope.location - [ ] python3-zope.schema - [ ] - [ ] python3-zope.testing - [ ] python3-zope.testrunner - [ ] pywal - [ ] qomui - [ ] radicale - [ ] ranger - [ ] reuse - [ ] ripe-atlas-tools - [ ] safeeyes - [ ] scapy - [ ] stcgal - [ ] telepresence - [ ] tryton - [ ] tuimoji - [ ] tuir - [ ] vidcutter - [ ] vimiv - [ ] virt-manager - [ ] virtualenvwrapper - [ ] voltron - [ ] wfuzz - [ ] whipper - [ ] wpgtk - fixed 0e0d44a - [ ] wxPython4 - [ ] xdot - fixed 944c728 - [ ] xkcdpass - fixed 588190a - [ ] xonsh - tests disabled a84e8a4 - [ ] you-get --- Unchecked - [ ] cpuset depends on python3-future, which uses `import imp` , `imp` is removed from python 3.12 - [x] **mate-menu** fixed in #47193 - [x] **flowblade** fixed in #47195 - [x] **reuse** fixed in #47227 - [x] **python3-Markups** fixed in #47283 - [x] **python3-SQLAlchemy2** fixed in #47286 (test passing without any modification) - [x] **python3-Cheroot** fixed in #47289 - [x] **python3-SoCo** fixed in #47292 - [x] **python3-chromecast** fixed in #47294 - [x] **python3-cli-ui** fixed in #47295 - [x] **python3-anytree** fixed in #47334 - [x] **python3-Levenshtein** fixed in #46624