There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository Jupyter updates Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** Summary: - python3-openapi-core: update to 0.18.2. - python3-rpds-py: update to 0.13.1. - python3-referencing: update to 0.31.0. - python3-jsonschema-specifications: update to 2023.11.1. - python3-jsonschema: update to 4.20.0. - python3-jsonschema-path: update to 0.3.2. - python3-fastjsonschema: update to 2.19.0. - python3-comm: update to 0.2.0. - python3-jupyter_client: update to 8.6.0. - python3-ipython_ipykernel: update to 6.27.0. - python3-jupyter_ipywidgets: depend on widgetsnbextension. - python3-jupyter_events: update to 0.9.0. - python3-jupyterlab_pygments: update to 0.3.0. - python3-nbclient: update to 0.9.0. - python3-jupyter_nbconvert: update to 7.11.0. - python3-jupyter_qtconsole: update to 5.5.1. - python3-jupyter_server: update to 2.11.0. - python3-jupyterlab_server: update to 2.25.2. - jupyterlab: update to 4.0.9. I think qtconsole 5.4 was the last dependent of `python3-ipython_genutils` so that pkg could in principle be removed.