New comment by laemeiqu on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks for your quick reply. This is what happens if I try to install clipboard : ``` user@void-kvm:~$ sudo xbps-install -S clipboard [*] Updating repository `' ... [*] Updating repository `' ... [*] Updating repository `' ... Package 'clipboard' not found in repository pool. ``` I don't have the non-free repo's enabled but clipboard is under GPL-3.0 license so that shouldn't matter. IMHO clipboard would be nice for the use case of container distro's where people might want to install commandline bling tools such as for example referenced here (skip these links if not interested) : * * * Rawkode Academy - 2023 Top 5 CLI Tools You Need to Know! Examples of these kind of bling command line tools are for example: * comtrya (not in voidlinux repos) * clipboard (the one we are talking about now) * atuin * direnv * zoxide * eza I was looking into distrobox today and these kind of bling command line tools and that is what inspired me to create this issue. Blogpost that inspired me :