New comment by namgo on void-packages repository Comment: @mcneb10 I'm asking on irc today, but given how archlinux packages cuda, it MIGHT be possible to distribute the binaries/libraries/headers as their own package. I'll update when I hear back from others on how to proceed. The EULA is confusing to me, otoh we're legally able to distribute the SDK, but only if it's used by our "application". This makes me think I should contact one of the arch linux packagers to see what they do. - I sent off an email to the arch linux package maintainer responsible for CUDA, I'll hopefully hear back soon. - if I hear back with an easy licensing option, I'll describe it here - If it requires someone signing off on a legalities email, I'll let one of the void-linux maintainers know that they can do that. Meanwhile, I'll spend some time and figure out the least ugly hack to re-package CUDA under void's templating. Even if it ends up being a licensing nightmare, it'd be good to document how to do it.