New comment by devlocalhost on void-packages repository Comment: Some images: ![IMG_20231205_190900_594]( ![IMG_20231205_190858_884]( Additional information: ``` libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: crocus libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: crocus libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast ERR: Display.cpp:1056 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context. ERR: Display.cpp:1056 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context. ERR: Display.cpp:1056 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context. ERR: Display.cpp:1056 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context. ``` These errors appear when trying to run Spotify (flatpak) inxi -G --display output: ``` > inxi -G --display Graphics: Device-1: Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics driver: i915 v: kernel Device-2: Suyin Acer/Lenovo Webcam [CN0316] driver: uvcvideo type: USB Display: wayland server: v: with: Xwayland v: 23.2.1 compositor: gnome-shell v: 44.2 driver: X: loaded: intel unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: i965 gpu: i915 resolution: 1366x768 API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: N/A platforms: gbm,wayland API: OpenGL Message: No GL data available. API: Vulkan Message: No Vulkan data available. ```