There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository SFML: update to 2.6.1 Description: First-time contribution attempt. Previous version 2.5.1 in `void-packages` is over 5 years old. This one is very recent from 30th October. #### Removed 1 patch: No longer needed, the fix is already in the 2.6.1 sources. #### Testing the changes I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly**. - Compiled / built, - installed, - did pre-install hooks, - ~~then `pkg_install` step complains: `cannot stat '/destdir//SFML-2.6.1/usr/share/SFML': No such file or directory`~~ - resolved now, the whole `./xbps-src pkg SFML` run succeeds. Also tried `i686` and `armv6l` out of curiosity, same. #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, x86_64-glibc, plus also `-a armv6l` and `-a i686`.