Closed issue by michalszmidt on void-packages repository Description: ```ini # Templaet file for Koi pkgname=Koi version=0.2.4 revision=1 build_style=cmake configure_args="-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr" hostmakedepends="pkg-config" makedepends="extra-cmake-modules kcoreaddons-devel qt5-core qt5-dbus qt5-test qt5-core qt5-network kwidgetsaddons-devel hicolor-icon-theme kpackage-devel kcoreaddons-devel kconfig-devel desktop-file-utils fdupes" short_desc="Switch between light and dark themes on KDE Plasma" maintainer="MichaƂ Szmidt " license="LGPL-3.0" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e8c976f4f635bed614124fa6afb8853cc9669ec9132c16b140cc64fb4be0166b ``` [This cmake project]( has CMakeLists.txt in the src subdir of the git repo, I opened issue addressing it. I could not find any way to make xbps-src handle it correctly I have tried: 1. According to I've set up `build_wrksrc` var. It ended with error `could not enter build_wrksrc`. This is weird as when I did `ls -lah` in there `src/` has been deleted (dunno what phase it was). 2. Trying to `mv src/* .` with similar issue of `src/` subdir being deleted in some previous stage. Does cmake build style delete subdirs from git top tree?