There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository Update ipython to 8.19.0, ipython_kipykernel to 6.27.1, and some dependencies. Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** I tested it with sagemath on x86_64 (full check, with -K; ftr, there is one unrelated and unimportant test failure in sage/calculus/ Full changelog: - python3-pexpect: update to 4.9.0, adopt. - python3-traitlets: update to 5.14.0. - python3-ipython: update to 8.19.0. - python3-nest_asyncio: update to 1.5.8. - python3-psutil: update to 5.9.7, add check. - python3-tornado: update to 6.4, adopt. - python3-ipython_ipykernel: update to 6.27.1. @ahesford