New review comment by MechDR on void-packages repository Comment: The license is included in the generic Linux build only, which is x64 only. I just opted for a cleaner resolution (suggested by @classabbyamp) in which both of the builds are fetched from the deb packages, which do not include the license file. As it's a service based software, I presume the license and T&C might change over time, so in order to be up to date with the license/T&C, it's best to refer the user to the web page, instead of looking at an older license file which is not up to date. The software is backwards compatible (can work/connect) with older versions of it, up to 2 or 3 major versions behind the current build, so it is actually more practical to include the current "state of things" rather than what used to be "the norm" at install time. The Windows installer has no T&C/license acceptance when installing (maybe it has, but I haven't noticed to be honest). The Debian builds as well (they don't even have the license file in the packages, only the generic Linux builds have that), so I really can't see a problem if the user is just pointed at a web page to look at the current state of legal affairs regarding using the software.