New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: > We need to ignore `checkdepends` during non-testing-build This only affects order, in the sense that `sort-dependencies` will not add anything, just sort. For example: ``` $ ./xbps-src sort-dependencies python3-pytest-cov python3-pytest-cov ``` even if `python3-pytest-cov` checkdepends on `python3-process-tests`. OTOH,in ``` $ ./xbps-src sort-dependencies python3-process-tests python3-pytest-cov python3-pytest-cov python3-process-tests ``` it is irrelevant for non-testing-build in which order these two packages are built, so it should not be a problem. The only case where this would make a difference is if there is a build-check cycle. Then this will print a warning, and IMO it should be considered a bug. Example: ``` $ XBPS_CHECK_PKGS=full ./xbps-src sort-dependencies python3-jupyter_server python3-jupyter_server_terminals tsort: /tmp/tmp.owWM5auH2j: input contains a loop: tsort: python3-jupyter_server tsort: python3-jupyter_server_terminals python3-jupyter_server_terminals python3-jupyter_server ``` Note this is only a cycle because of `XBPS_CHECK_PKGS=full` which is one way build-check cycles can be broken. Indeed: ``` $ XBPS_CHECK_PKGS=yes ./xbps-src sort-dependencies python3-jupyter_server python3-jupyter_server_terminals python3-jupyter_server_terminals python3-jupyter_server ```