There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository [RFC] do not install checkdepends when check is not going to run Description: This is useful e.g. to break build <-> check cycles. For instance, one can set `make_check=extended` so check doesn't run on CI or -Q (maybe the check depencies are updated at the same time), but it's still easy to run check using -K after dependencies have been built. I'm working on jupyter notebook packages, and there are a few build <-> check cycles. I want to try to arrange checks so that `-Q` will check as much as possible without cycles, and `-K` will do full check (assuming all dependencies are already packaged). Without this patch one needs to add packages to `checkdepends` conditionally on `$XBPS_CHECK_PKGS`, but it seems simpler this way. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly**