New comment by Samueru-sama on void-packages repository Comment: > Comparing to Arch is moot because Arch uses a completely different upstream project. > > Rejecting compression when attempting to follow broken symlinks is entirely reasonable. In any case, this is an issue that should be taken upstream. It is not only arch, void is the only distro that I've ever encountered that has this issue. And it is not reasonable if it breaks file-roller and xarchiver. Also why does it need to follow the symlink? Is it going to try to take everything in the symlink to compress? Say I have my steam directory symlinked in home and I try to compress my home dir for backup, I really hope it will not try to compress my entire steam library in the process. edit: In fact if I want to store what the symlinks point to 7z has the -l which does exactly that, it is something you need to tell to do instad of being a default and xarchiver is not passing that flag.