Closed issue by removewingman on void-packages repository Description: Hello everyone, in my opinion this repo is way to big and I would like a restructuring. My idea is to do for each category a seperate Repo. As far as my understanding goes it would be relatively easy to add more repositories to xbps. For categories there could be e.g. one for desktop environments, window managers, terminal emulators, wayland, xorg, dev-utils and so much more. The advantages are, because of the organization it is way easier to maintain and to orientate. The only problem that came to my mind is that the xbps-src script needs to be the same in all those repos, but im sure there is a solution to this problem. The second idea I had was to switch to Gitlab instead of Github because of the group feature in Gitlab you can even better organize your Repos. Let me know what you think of the idea.