There is an updated pull request by classabbyamp against master on the void-packages repository remove/rpi-userland rpi-userland: remove package - rpi-userland: remove package - SDL2: remove rpi build option - libcec: remove rpi build option - smpeg2: remove rpi build option - vlc: remove rpi build option - libretro-mupen64plus-rpi: merge into libretro-mupen64plus - omxplayer: remove package #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** both `omxplayer` and `rpi-userland` have been deprecated by upstream, saying to use `vlc` and regular system libs respectively. the utilities from `rpi-userland` are now part of `rpi-utils`, added in #47288. Also, omx (openmax) apparently doesn't work on 64-bit kernels, so disable that too. made this a separate PR from #47288 so it can get separate review. [ci skip] A patch file from is attached