There is an updated pull request by 0x5c against master on the void-packages repository ci-colours Fix xbps-src colours in CI ~~This PR adds a new config variable `XBPS_FORCE_COLORS`, which overrides the "is this not a tty" and `NO_COLOR` checks, and adds it to config entries for CI.~~ **EDIT** Github has changed the way CI is run; xbps-src now thinks it is running in a terminal and prints with colour. This part of the PR has been removed. The `msg_normal()` colour is changed from "bold" (`1`) to "bright white, bold" (`97`, `1`) since Github workflows render `1` as bold letters of the current colour. This should have no effect on the vast majority of terminals setups, as `1` is already rendered as bright white with or without bolded font. ![image]( ![image]( I also setup [a demo]( on my fork. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** A patch file from is attached