New comment by jaminW55 on void-packages repository Comment: I've actually almost got this one working. It builds without error, but then does not install. I am not entirely certain where I went wrong and I wonder if maybe I need to include something that changes terminal fonts to nerd fonts. It was required to force the extraction, as for whatever reason it would not extract. Please see the below template: ``` # Template file for 'nvchad' pkgname=nvchad version=2.0 revision=1 build_style=fetch depends="neovim>=0.9.4 xclip" hostmakedepends="tar" short_desc="Neovim config written in Lua with a beautiful UI and fast startup" maintainer="jaminW55 " license="GPL-3.0" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=78334f0bd8ec196a827c14ba9e33d2266833249a1916319d60c2ba7e20d6fba7 do_install() { # Force extraction of tarball tar -xzf "v${version}.tar.gz" -C "${wrksrc}" # Navigate to the directory where the source files are extracted cd "${wrksrc}/NvChad-${version}" # Create Necessary Directories vmkdir /usr/share/nvim/runtime vmkdir /usr/share/nvchad # Copying necessary files vcopy init.lua /usr/share/nvchad vcopy lua /usr/share/nvchad vcopy .stylua.toml /usr/share/nvchad # Copy the same files to nvim runtime directory vcopy init.lua /usr/share/nvim/runtime vcopy lua /usr/share/nvim/runtime vcopy .stylua.toml /usr/share/nvim/runtime } post_install() { echo "To update NvChad, run 'NvChadUpdate' inside neovim." } ```