New comment by uniboi on void-packages repository Comment: I was able to work around the issue before glibc 2.37 was availabe via xbps by compiling the glibc version I needed and running steam like this `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.37-32bit/lib steam`. Today I finally updated glibc to 2.38 with xbps-install but I still get the Hash Catalogue not found error for EAC games. My workaround stopped working too, the steam UI now segfaults lol. ~~I just tried the workaround again with glibc 2.38, the steam UI now works but I still get the hash catalogue error.~~ I compiled glibc like this for 2.37 and 2.38 ``` git clone mkdir glibc/build cd build/build ../configure --prefix=/opt/glibc-2.38-32bit --enable-multi-arch --host=$LFS_TGT32 make -j4 sudo make install ``` The workaround still works with a new compiled copy of glibc 2.38, I just misspelled the environment variable before.