New comment by dexgs on void-packages repository Comment: No, sorry. I picked those two after asking @Johnnynator what he did, maybe he can explain why in more detail. You're right that maybe the problem is caused by `ld-linux` but from what I remember, the system won't boot if the loader doesn't match ``, so there's no easy way to test "just" ``. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the minimum files that can be taken from Arch while still having a bootable system. My point about it being fixed with "just" the 2 files from Arch is that it demonstrates that the problem is not some environmental difference between Void and other distros, it is specifically an issue with Void's build of glibc. As per the conflicting reports, I think one person is saying that they modified the xbps template to match Arch's build options as closely as possible while the other is saying they did a build of glibc without creating an xbps package. Based on this, it seems like maybe the problem is caused by some automatic step in xbps (some symbol gets stripped which shouldn't, or something like that).