New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: This package is misnamed. Normally it should be `coreutils`, which obviously conflicts, so maybe `uutils-coreutils` is a better choice. I find the documentation very opaque, either because it's missing critical information or because I'm looking for critical information on a phone. The documentation I did find says that "uutils includes a multi-call binary from which the utils can be invoked", but does not say that uutils *is comprised of* a multi-call binary. This makes it sound like the multi-call binary is an optional component of a package that also provides individual commands. Please confirm that the single executable installed by this package *is* the multi-call executable and can (should) be run similarly to busybox. In particular, I want to ensure that running `/usr/bin/coreutils` won't "helpfully" do something destructive like unpack a bunch of commands or make a bunch of symlinks that would interfere with the system `coreutils` package.