New comment by zen0bit on void-packages repository Comment: But as I study btop instructions before. ROCm must be presented at build time. If isn't btop should be builded without ROCm support. So provide library for usuall btop shouldn't be enough. Must be builded again with ROCm, as far as I understand... So only difference will be ROCM_devel in makedepends repektive somethink like this?: ``` # Template file for 'btop-ROCm' pkgname=btop-ROCm version=1.3.2 revision=1 build_style=gnu-makefile makedepends="ROCm-SMI-devel" short_desc="Monitor of resources" maintainer="RunningDroid " license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" changelog="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=331d18488b1dc7f06cfa12cff909230816a24c57790ba3e8224b117e3f0ae03e conflicts=btop ```