New comment by Calandracas606 on void-packages repository Comment: > you can simply add `ROCm-SMI-devel` to btop's `makdepends` if/when it gets merged. @cinerea0 what I mean is that btop tries to dlopen librocm_smi, it's not even needed as a makedepends. ``` cpp //? Try possible library paths and names for const array libRocAlts = {"/opt/rocm/lib/", "", "", // fedora "", // debian ""}; for (const auto &l : libRocAlts) { rsmi_dl_handle = dlopen(l, RTLD_LAZY); if (rsmi_dl_handle != nullptr) { break; } } if (!rsmi_dl_handle) { Logger::info( "Failed to load, AMD GPUs will not be detected: "s + dlerror()); return false; } ``` All that being said, there appears to be a bug in the gpu code, but I've been able to patch it to get it working