There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository glibc: clean up install, add C.UTF-8 by default Description: We should really provide the `C.UTF-8` locale by default. I believe that the best way to do so is by removing it entirely from `/etc/default/libc-locales` processing and install it, as part of the main `glibc` package, in `/usr/lib/locales` like Arch does. This currently trips the package linter, so either - We can make an exception for glibc in the linter, or - Rather than include the locale files in the package, we can add an `INSTALL` script to the base package to write the `C.utf-8` locale outside of an archive, where it will always be reachable. I favor the first because it is less wasteful; why should everybody have to generate a locale that we expect everybody to have available by default? A third option is to modify the `glibc-locales` `INSTALL` script to either add a separate, non-archived `C.utf-8` locale directory, or just ensure that `C.UTF-8` is always included in the locale processing. Both seem even more kludgey than doing the right thing by default. Thoughts? @void-linux/pkg-committers While I was at it, I cleaned up the install function a bit.