There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository refind: account for btrfs setups when generating manual stanzas Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **yes** (I've been running it on x64-glibc for the past two weeks) #### Local build testing I built this PR locally for my native architecture, x86_64-glibc as well as for aarch64-glibc [EDIT: Feb 26 09:34:52 PM CET 2024]. #### My setup /etc/default/refind-kernel-hook.conf ``` #!/bin/sh # Change this line to 1 to update refind conf whenever new kernel is installed UPDATE_REFIND_CONF=1 # refind.conf location # It usually stays in # # /boot/EFI/refind/refind.conf # if you use all default configuration and EFI partition mounted to /boot # /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf # if using default configuration and EFI partition mounted to /boot/efi # /boot/EFI/BOOT/refind.conf # if you run refind-install --usedefault and EFI partition mounted to /boot # /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/refind.conf # likewise, EFI mounted to /boot/efi # /efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf # /efi/EFI/BOOT/refind.conf REFIND_CONF=/boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf # addition kernel cmdline OPTIONS="root=UUID=a9ee6e45-d348-4214-9560-0d0c73ab8077 ro rootflags=subvol=void/ROOT quiet loglevel=4 mem_sleep_default=deep i915.modeset=1 video=1920x1080" ``` /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf ``` timeout 5 use_nvram false scanfor internal,optical,manual also_scan_dirs void/ROOT/boot dont_scan_volumes FIRE1TB-EFI,FIRE1TB-tank,KC1TB-EFI,KC2TB-EFI,KC2TB-tank,WD1TB-EFI,WD1TB-tank resolution 1920 1080 ``` _scanfor internal_ works as it takes _also_scan_dirs_ as a prefix to where to find _vmlinuz_ and _initramfs_ files. However, manual stanzas generated by _/etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-refind_ hook get me nowhere near bootable entries. The patch that I came up with may not be perfect but it works on my installation. Further testing is needed, especially for people with EFI mounted at /boot and using filesystems other than btrfs. To test the changes one needs to run xbps-reconfigure -f linux6.6 or whichever kernel one's running (also make sure to adjust the settings in _/etc/default/refind-kernel-hook.conf_)