New comment by mblouka on void-packages repository Comment: @thomasxg I no longer have it but when I faced this issue months ago it had a very similar trace to what you just posted. The issue is definitely GPU-related, and doesn't happen on proprietary drivers, only nouveau. With the release of the new live image on March 14 however the problem has become worse and could impact adoption. With the previous live image, you could boot into live Void without any issues, install the OS to disk using local packages, reboot then blacklist nouveau right before performing an update. That's what I did to get Void working on my Nvidia machine (2080 Ti). However, the new live image rolls in the regression, meaning you cannot even reach a terminal after GRUB without explicitly blacklisting the nouveau driver and modeset through kernel flags. I had to do this recently when I reinstalled Void, which is practically simple but difficult to figure out when you don't even have logs or any output telling you what's erroring.