New comment by ohoes on void-packages repository Comment: > Chromium here is so far beyond broken as to be comical, and this seems to be a somewhat recent regression. > > * Constant tab deaths as described in OP > > * Constant infinite-loading-spinner states when navigating between pages > > * Generally hangs when trying to kill tabs stuck in ^ state > > * Occasional full browser locks > > > This happens with or without sandbox flags, with GTK 3 or 4 (set by CLI flags), with X11 or Wayland Ozone hints, and seemingly no matter what. > > Unfortunately some of the above appears to be Blink related and not Chromium-specific, as the same freezing happens with Qutebrowser. Functionally, this means I have to use a glibc-based Distrobox container to run Chromium-ish browsers for that 5-10% of the internet too lazy to check their work in Firefox, because nothing Chromium-based currently works on my musl-based install. Actually, I now use chromium with jitless js flags, and it works almost flawlessly (for me) crazy enough. Took me a darn long time to get this working on musl. I found it at the ungoogled chromium repo. Let me know if it works for you, too.