New comment by fvalasiad on void-packages repository Comment: Ah the build failed for x86, was it cause of the failed tests? We have to patch all those? @Johnnynator Honestly I am trying to setup plasma 6 to work and I am still trying to figure out the layout of qt in the repositories in an attempt to upgrade to qt6. Now there is a `qt5` package creating all the subpackages but there ain't no `qt6` yet, rather there is just `qt6-base` which is a minimal version. Then there is no `qt5-base`, while additionally some subpackages originally created from `qt5` are now separate packages for `qt6`. I wonder have you got any reason to hold back plasma 6 or is it just an issue of time? Since you mention that all qt components need to be updated in parallel, should I bother trying in my spare time?