New comment by Clos3y on void-packages repository Comment: Hmm, adding `&` back in (and running `# fcrontab -z -u systab` followed by a reboot) doesn't fix the issue for me: it's still locked. `fcron` doesn't seem to care if you use `&`, it'll still lock. For example, I just tested while true; do sleep 5; done & in a test file in `/etc/cron.monthly`, reloaded the system crontab, and then forced `/etc/cron.monthly` to run with `fcrondyn`. `fcron` is still executing and is locked: 2024-03-27T00:20:08.44950 cron.notice: Mar 27 00:20:08 fcron[3843]: Job '/usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.monthly' started for user systab (pid 3844) 2024-03-27T00:20:46.30541 cron.warn: Mar 27 00:20:46 fcron[1022]: process already running: systab's '/usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.monthly' Perhaps this is an `fcron` issue specifically?