New comment by Akaricchi on void-packages repository Comment: `-msse2` is ok, but the proper fix be to correct this check in CGLM: It should only check for SSE2 there. I can try to submit that upstream a bit later, though I'll need to set up a 32-bit environment to test it first. For what it's worth, openSUSE doesn't build Taisei for i686, because CGLM fails (or at least used to fail) some unit tests on that platform. It doesn't look like i686 support is well maintained there, and we neither test nor provide i686 Linux builds of Taisei either. I don't believe there's an x86 system around that can handle this game acceptably well while not supporting x86-64. As for why we enforce `-msse`: what we really want is `-mfpmath=sse`, which prevents the compiler from using x87 FPU instructions for floating point math. It's to reduce the potential for replay compatibility problems between different builds, due to the extended used by those instructions.