There is an updated pull request by mcneb10 against master on the void-packages repository master New package: OpenArena-0.8.8 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** #### New package - This new package conforms to the [package requirements]( **YES** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (x86_64-glibc) - I built this PR locally for these architectures (if supported. mark crossbuilds): - x86_64-musl #### Notes This is open arena build with the latest commit of the OpenArena engine fork, which is why i'm making it a draft. While this game can run on other Quake III engine forks (Quake3e, ioquake3, etc) the OpenArena version has some modifications which don't seem to affect the game's functionality but may be important and were not written by the people who made OpenArena. The latest source code release for OpenArena (2012!) has some bugs and does not support some architectures such as arm, which is why the the latest upstream version is used in this draft, which seems to be stable. Would another Quake3 engine fork be accepted in it's place? A patch file from is attached