New comment by voiduser123321 on void-packages repository Comment: Here are some more details about my setup. I'm usually running Xorg as a regular user, via startx, without display manager, using a command in my .xinitrc: exec startlxqt. Nevertheless, the same problem occurs when I run it via lxdm as well. My laptop is a librebooted Thinkpad T400. This is the output of lxqt-powermanagement when ran from terminal. **[user@void ~]$ lxqt-powermanagement BatteryChanged discharging: false chargeLevel: 99.3812 actionTime: QTime(Invalid) Inhibit got: 32 Starting idlenesswatcher "PowerButton" "" "" "SuspendButton" "" "" "HibernateButton" "" "" QDBusConnection: name 'org.freedesktop.UPower' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.142' The X11 connection broke (error 2). Did the X11 server die?**