New comment by 0x5c on void-packages repository Comment: From other threads online, upstream indicates not wanting to offer Fritzing "for free" anymore[^1][^2][^3], with many justifications like "development sustainability"[^1][^2][^3], and also resisted for quite some time the idea of even syncing the code on Github for each releases[^1][^2][^3]. They also express wanting not to publicly develop on Github anymore for reason of "excessive charges" for "CI"[^2][^3] and "transactions"[^3], and instead have a private repository somewhere else. The "charges" thing is very strange considering public Github repos are the only ones getting free CI, and more than enough of it to power even massive high-frequency repos like [this one]( As to the "git sync", the code published on git is untagged, and seemingly would not compile a binary of the current version (latest version information it contains is a beta `*.*.*b` number). [^1]: [^2]: [^3]: