There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository glib: update to 2.80.0. Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** glib 2.80.0 introduces libgirepository-2.0 and GIRepository-3.0, which unfortunately creates a build cycle between glib and gobject-introspection, although that is supposedly transitory. Currently only the C components have been moved over to glib. (Notably, g-ir-scanner is missing, which is needed to compile glib's introspection data. An explanation for why along with the proposed remedies can be found in "The hard part" section of the glib issue below.) The GLib gir files have also been moved to being generated by glib build instead of gobject-introspection build. (hence why gobject-introspection is necessary) The bootstrap process, while not intentionally, mirrors the one used by gnome-buld-meta: (While gobject-introspection technically doesn't need to be rebuilt I did so here due to issues with dependencies, e.g. glib-bootstrap vs glib)