New comment by MechDR on void-packages repository Comment: > I think it is fine. It just ends building. Not for me... I will try on a clean git clone. > Now I'm getting the error... That's because the makefile needs to exit the `unix` dir and enter the `generic` dir, but with `build_wrksrc=unix`, we're limiting xbps-src to build in that dir and not exit it. I tried copying a few files "missing" from the `unix` dir and it does get past the files I copied, but of course gets stuck on other missing files. There are 2 options. We either copy everything from `generic` to `unix`, which might overwrite something that doesn't need to be overwritten, or two, we don't define `build_wrksrc` at all and just do `do_build` manually, like in my original script. > make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. I think that is because it actually builds in the same dir as the source, there is no separate dir... don't know how xbps-src solves this regarding what files it should take from the build... my guess is, it has to have a separate build dir, so it will just copy everything to `destdir`.