New comment by blacklightpy on void-packages repository Comment: I used separate versions for each component because Gazebo comes as distributions. Gazebo Garden is separate from Gazebo Harmonic. The version of ROS also only works with select versions of Gazebo, using the ROS/GZ bridge, `ros_gz` (packaged as `ros-{ROS_DISTRO}-ros-gz`). For Gazebo Harmonic, ROS 2 Jazzy is the official pairing. But the release will only be on May 23, 2024. ROS 2 Iron and ROS 2 Humble can work with Gazebo Garden and Gazebo Harmonic, however the builds of `ros-iron-ros-gzgarden`, `ros-iron-ros-gzharmonic`, `ros-humble-ros-gzgarden` and `ros-humble-ros-gzharmonic` are unofficial and separately built.