New comment by someone13574 on void-packages repository Comment: > ok ive managed to get the package to build after i created the full source archive myself (ive requested the upstream to provide the archive on every release) with something like this > > ``` > pkgname=zed > version=0.124.8 > revision=1 > build_style=cargo > hostmakedepends="pkg-config python3 cargo" > makedepends="alsa-lib-devel libzstd-devel fontconfig-devel wayland-devel libxkbcommon-devel openssl-devel" > depends="alsa-lib libzstd fontconfig wayland libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 openssl" > short_desc="High-performance, multiplayer code editor" > maintainer="aryalaadi " > license="GPL-3.0" > homepage="" > distfiles="http://localhost:8000/zed.tar.gz" > checksum=a45d80c9c68e8aa232490ea3bfe00712e8e296d606ed37d83f1875a693e46654 > ``` > > but after it was done compiling i got this error > > ``` > error: found a virtual manifest at `/builddir/zed-0.124.8/Cargo.toml` instead of a package manifest > => ERROR: zed-0.124.8_1: do_install: '${make_cmd} install --target ${RUST_TARGET} --root="${DESTDIR}/usr" --offline --locked ${configure_args} ${make_install_args}' exited with 101 > => ERROR: in do_install() at common/build-style/ > ``` > > any idea on what could be causing this? Here's a working template I made: ``` # Template file for 'zed' pkgname=zed version=0.132.4 revision=1 build_style=cargo make_install_args="--path crates/zed" hostmakedepends="pkg-config" makedepends="alsa-lib-devel fontconfig-devel libxcb-devel libxkbcommon-devel libzstd-devel openssl-devel wayland-devel libgit2-devel" short_desc="High-performance, multiplayer code editor" maintainer="Owen Law " license="AGPL-3.0-or-later, GPL-3.0-or-later, Apache-2.0" homepage="" _protocol=1.1.2 distfiles="${version}.tar.gz${_protocol}.tar.gz>protocol-v${_protocol}.tar.gz" checksum="e9b0d3079b331114f2dbfb99a23cf7af79d67b9ca9ae94b128953a7654e39cb2 9e3dac3be15f896a6602a4fac12c91286e3b97834ef3e17e3aa69fc592d80761" skip_extraction="protocol-v${_protocol}.tar.gz" post_extract() { vsrcextract -C crates/live_kit_server/protocol "protocol-v${_protocol}.tar.gz" vlicense LICENSE-AGPL } ```