There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository bash-completion: update to 2.12.0. Description: Two backported patches from upstream (i.e. [#688]( and [#675]( are deleted since the new version includes them already. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** This PR FAILS to build on x86_64-musl with the following warnings: ```sh => xbps-src: updating repositories for host (x86_64-musl)... [*] Updating repository `' ... [*] Updating repository `' ... [*] Updating repository `' ... [*] Updating repository `' ... => xbps-src: updating software in / masterdir... => xbps-src: cleaning up / masterdir... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: removing autodeps, please wait... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: building with [gnu-configure] for x86_64-musl... [runtime] bash-5.2.21_1: found ( => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: skipping check (XBPS_CHECK_PKGS is disabled) ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 03-rewrite-python-shebang ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 04-generate-runtime-deps ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 05-generate-32bit-runtime-deps ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 90-set-timestamps ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: setting mtimes to Fri Mar 29 07:05:08 UTC 2024 => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 99-pkglint-subpkgs ... => bash-completion-2.12.0_1: running pre-pkg hook: 99-pkglint ... => ERROR: bash-completion-2.12.0_1: /etc/bash_completion.d is forbidden. Use /usr/share/bash-completion/completions. => ERROR: bash-completion-2.12.0_1: cannot continue with installation! ``` How can I solve the error `/etc/bash_completion.d is forbidden. Use /usr/share/bash-completion/completions.`? I searched a bit but could not find something useful.