New comment by AnInternetTroll on void-packages repository Comment: Tested on x86\_64-glibc and works as expected Tried getting the RSS feed of a youtube channel and it works `curl -L '' | xq-go -m -q "link[title=RSS]" -a href` Made some small adjustments locally as well as to not conflict to anything for me, though I'm not sure what the correct course of action is in this scenario ```diff diff --git a/srcpkgs/xq/template b/srcpkgs/xq/template index 60ce890b014..be2c7faf460 100644 --- a/srcpkgs/xq/template +++ b/srcpkgs/xq/template @@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=5044de231d2426c236618e52d3d2e59cd45b008e55d5dfa8df97c3269c64354d +do_check() { + go test -covermode=atomic -v ./... +} + post_install() { + mv "$DESTDIR/usr/bin/"{xq,xq-go} + vman docs/ xq-go.1 vlicense LICENSE } ```