There is an updated pull request by dkwo against master on the void-packages repository asahi2 Apple Silicon Mac support packages (v2) This is the second iteration of, see that for more details. This PR can boot from a USB stick using Changes: - update m1n1, asahi-uboot, kernel - add a kernel hook for m1n1, modelled upon asahi-scritps and efibootmgr - ship tinyramfs config - deal with firmware from within the initramfs (tinyramfs hooks) - can be updated with `asahi-fwextract /boot/asahi /boot/vendorfw` (if efi is at boot). I've been testing for some time with: ``` /etc/tinyramfs/config compress="gzip -9" hostonly=yes hooks="eudev,asahi" root_type=ext4 root="UUID=" ``` Build `wpa_supplicant` from master branch for working wpa3. [ci skip] A patch file from is attached