New comment by michael-db on void-packages repository Comment: After happily using void for some time, KDE was upgraded to KDE 6 (it's still called kde5, which is misleading) which broke things and cost me hours. I still can't save my session, regardless of whether I choose X11 or Wayland. This has been a serial issue with KDE. I recall a previous x.0 release (probably KDE 4.0) which was totally unusable but had been bundled into a distro I tried. When I complained I was chastised by the KDE people for expecting an X.0 release to be stable! KDE upgrades are mostly about pointless visual fluff (disrgarding things that broke, I don't notice any functional improvement that's relevant to me) and never to be trusted. The only thing I can be grateful for is that I didn't hit this [shocking rm -rf / issue]( Unfortunately, I have too many other things to take this on now, but I hereby add my vote to those who would love to see Trinity on void.