There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository LuaJIT: update to 2.1.1706708390, cleanup. Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** - The only lua thing I really run is awesomewm. I built awesomewm against luajit with the build option and everything seems good, but of course any further testing is encouraged. #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (`x86_64-glibc`) - I built this PR locally for these architectures (if supported. mark crossbuilds): - `x86_64-musl` - `i686-glibc` (both crossbuild and masterdir) - `aarch64-glibc` (crossbuild) - `aarch64-musl` (crossbuild) - `armv7l-glibc` (crossbuild) This addresses #48349. LuaJIT has moved to "rolling releases" on branches in their git repo, which basically means releases are git commits to a `v2.1` branch. Of course, this is incompatible with void's packaging philosophy. However, there also seems to be a `v2.1` *tag* that was created during the move and not updated since. I'm unsure on whether this tag is simply meant to be a marker for the start of v2.1 in the new rolling release era, or if they intend for it to be a stable tag that "releases" might occasionally get pushed to every now and then. Whatever the case, this is a tag that was "released" in a form they seemingly deem stable enough, which is why I think of it as enough to update to (especially since we'd be getting off a 6 year old version to a 5 month old version now). Regarding the version number: In the makefiles, there exists a `RELVER` macro [that gets set by a `git show` command]( The "canonical" version number in the makefiles then becomes `major.minor.relver` and the binary/library version is installed with this version number. This is the only real patch version number that we have, so it's what I believe should go in the version number. I just used the same `git show` that they use and baked it into `version` I removed all but two of the patches, as they have either been upstreamed into the `v2.1` tag or were for powerpc, which void doesn't support anymore. Should we even have the "enable debug symbols" patch for main repo builds instead of leaving it to `-dbg`? I'm only keeping it because every other distribution keeps it. I also just cleaned up the template in general; it's more concise and organized IMO while achieving the same thing.