There is an updated pull request by zlice against master on the void-packages repository intel-opencl New packages - Intel OpenCL (NEO) [ci skip] #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** Ran a few OpenCL examples and [cl-mem]( `clinfo` reports more stats also #### New package - This new package conforms to the [package requirements]( **YES** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, **x86_64** Could not get musl to build `intel-compute-runtime`. There are a few patches for execinfo, backtrace and RTLD_XXX but even sorting those out gets to a 'error code: -11'. #### Comments closes #11364 ~~depends on #41132 for gmmlib bump (didn't want to add there in case it delays merge)~~ ~~MIT license not in the tar for `intel-vc-intrinsics` yet? Was just added the other day.~~ `level-zero` uses git to pull `spdlog`(1.13.0). Void does not have a 'spdlog-devel' but it could probably be added. A patch file from is attached