Closed issue by zenny on void-packages repository Description: Hi, I am trying to build LightZone 4.2.4 from using xbps-src, but it ends up at: ``` [exec] g++ -c -fno-PIE -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -ffile-prefix-map=/builddir/lightzone-4.2.4=. -g -fPIC -march=athlon64 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -O3 -fno-trapping-math -fo mit-frame-pointer -std=c++14 -DJNILIB -g -fPIC -march=athlon64 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -O3 -fno-trapping-math -fomit-frame-pointer -std=c++14 -DJNILIB -I/usr/lib/jvm/default- jdk/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/default-jdk/include/linux -I../../../lightcrafts -I../../../lightcrafts/jnisrc/jniutils -I/usr/include/lensfun -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib 64/glib-2.0/include LC_lensfun.cpp [exec] LC_lensfun.cpp: In function 'jlong Java_com_lightcrafts_utils_Lensfun_init(JNIEnv*, jobject, jstring)': [exec] LC_lensfun.cpp:57:29: error: 'uintptr_t' does not name a type [exec] 57 | return reinterpret_cast(lf); [exec] | ^~~~~~~~~ [exec] LC_lensfun.cpp:16:1: note: 'uintptr_t' is defined in header ''; did you forget to '#include '? [exec] 15 | #include "interpolation.h" [exec] +++ |+#include [exec] 16 | [exec] make[2]: *** [../../../lightcrafts/mk/ LC_lensfun.o] Error 1 [exec] make[1]: *** [../ mk_target] Error 2 [exec] make: *** [../mk/ lensfun] Error 1 BUILD FAILED /builddir/lightzone-4.2.4/linux/build.xml:37: The following error occurred while executing this line: /builddir/lightzone-4.2.4/lightcrafts/build.xml:140: exec returned: 2 Total time: 1 minute 12 seconds /void-packages/common/xbps-src/shutils/ line 149: printf: `m': invalid format character => ERROR: lightzone-4.2.4_1: do_build: 'TARGET=${XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE=> ERROR: in do_build() at srcpkgs/lightzone/template:33 ``` I modified the xbps-src `template` by @Orphaned to: ``` # Template file for 'lightzone' pkgname=lightzone version=4.2.4 revision=1 _ivy_version=2.4.0 hostmakedepends="automake git openjdk11 apache-ant javahelp2 rsync pkg-config" makedepends="libgomp-devel lcms2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel tiff-devel libX11-devel lensfun-devel" depends="openjdk11 javahelp2 liblzma tiff" short_desc="Professional-level digital darkroom and photo editor" maintainer="Orphaned " license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz>${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz${_ivy_version}/ivy-${_ivy_version}.jar" checksum="49421b45a8a5a5ec17c4bc688e4699d851bb19c22080f154143ef23038425dd0 ce81cb234406b093b5b8de9f6f5b2a50ed0824d6a235891353e8d3e941a53970" skip_extraction="ivy-${_ivy_version}.jar" # JNI binaries are not PIE nopie=yes replaces="lightzone-bin>=0" do_build() { mkdir -p lightcrafts/lib ln -sf $XBPS_SRCDISTDIR/${pkgname}-${version}/ivy-${_ivy_version}.jar \ lightcrafts/lib/ivy.jar # Fix for cross building vsed -i lightcrafts/jnisrc/tiff/GNUmakefile \ -e "s;\./configure;& --host=${XBPS_MACHINE%-musl};" . /etc/profile.d/ cd linux TARGET=${XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE%-musl} ant jar } do_install() { vbin linux/products/lightzone vmkdir usr/share cp -pHR linux/icons ${DESTDIR}/usr/share vinstall linux/products/lightzone.desktop 644 usr/share/applications # Install shared libraries for f in linux/products/*.so; do vinstall $f 755 usr/lib/lightzone done # Install helpers for f in LightZone-forkd dcraw_lz; do vinstall linux/products/$f 755 usr/lib/lightzone done # Install jars for f in linux/products/*.jar; do vinstall $f 644 usr/share/java/lightzone done vlicense COPYING } ```