New comment by Dr64h on void-packages repository Comment: > > > after a few tests: > > > It happens on both minecraft vulkanmod & Quake2RTX (native wayland - both), but not with gamescope. Can it be plasma ? > > > > > > About a week and a half ago, I had blinking artifacts with RX570 when opening games in plasma, but they were not specifically related to Vulkan and they disappeared after the update. > > which update ? KDE components update, i don't know exactly which component is responsible for this artifacts, i think it's something with kwin and screen synchronization. When you turn on the "full screen" mode the game is responsible for screen sync, and when you change it to "window mode" or "borderless full screen window", then the kwin is responsible for screen sync. But it doesn't mean that exactly the screen sync is responsible for this artifacts, it can be another different graphics things, effects, which turns on/off when you change window modes. Check this, maybe it close to your issue: