Closed issue by slymattz on void-packages repository Description: ### OpenVPN - a debate whether to include a runit service As many of you might know, OpenVPN can be run either as a server or a client. When run as a server, it needs some kind of a trigger that will start it at boot time. The current OpenVPN package does not, however, include a runit service. When run as a client, it can be either started on boot which would typically require a runit service or it can be executed with the simple command `openvpn /etc/openvpn/yourconfig.conf`. In the first two cases, I believe it is justifiable and reasonable to include a runit service. A few years ago, such a proposal wasn't upheld ( I believe now's a good time to re-address this issue. In my opinion, if Void aims to be as good of an option for a desktop as for a server, we require this change to happen. Of course, you can create the appropriate _run_ file manually in _/etc/sv/openvpn_ and you're good to go. However, such an approach seems to be particularly confusing for new users and it is also inconsistent with the fact that many other daemon servers DO have runit services that come along with them. Therefore, I'd like to raise the question from the heading: should the openvpn package come with a runit service?