New comment by Calandracas606 on void-packages repository Comment: > Another _thing which we will need in the futureā„¢_ is setting the `ZED_UPDATE_EXPLANATION` environment variable to something like `Please update Zed by running 'sudo xbps-install -Su zed'`. This should be done in combination to a patch to the default settings file to set `auto_update=false` IMO the application should never be telling the user to perform an update From a philosophical perspective, the distribution will update packages when they see appropriate, and no application should be telling us how to do our job. From a practical perspective, this also simply will cause confusion for users: 1. zed tells user to do `sudo xbps-install -Su nodejs ` 2. user sees `Package 'nodejs' is up to date.` 3. ??? Users may then complain to either upstream, or the distribution, which neither of us want