New review comment by classabbyamp on void-packages repository Comment: jars are archives, so we can do shenanigans: ``` bsdtar xOf lib/app-client.jar entry.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=$NAME$ Icon=$ICON$ Exec=$SCRIPT$ %f Comment=$COMMENT$ Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false StartupWMClass=$WM_CLASS$ StartupNotify=true ``` Use this as a base. run the application to grab what it replaces the `$templates$` with. e.g.: ```bash post_extract() { bsdtar xf lib/app-client.jar entry.desktop } post_patch() { vsed -i -e 's/$NAME$/whatever/; s/$ICON$/whatever/; ...' entry.desktop } do_install() { vinstall entry.desktop 644 usr/share/applications idea-ultimate.desktop } ```