New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: Also: I added `texinfo` as a dependency of `octave` to close #50442. It could be argued that it is an optional dependency (it's required only for the help system) but it's small compared to octave + all its dependencies that it doesn't seem out of reason to make it mandatory. OTOH, the error when one tries to use help texinfo is very reasonable: ``` octave:1> help help sh: 1: makeinfo: not found sh: 1: makeinfo: not found warning: help: Texinfo formatting filter exited abnormally; raw Texinfo source of help text follows... 'help' is a function from the file /usr/share/octave/9.1.0/m/help/help.m ``` in the sense that it's obvious what to do (assuming one has install-powers). I'm fine either way, leaning slightly towards add the dependency (which I did in this PR).